速報APP / 教育 / Go Wild! With Ranger Rick

Go Wild! With Ranger Rick



檔案大小:506.4 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Go Wild! With Ranger Rick(圖1)-速報App

In Go Wild! With Ranger Rick, Kids go on adventures in nature led by Ranger Rick the famous raccoon and wildlife champion.

Go Wild! With Ranger Rick(圖2)-速報App

Go Wild! With Ranger Rick is always sharing new wildlife learning fun like That’s Wild! fun facts, mystery animal quizzes, riddles, jokes, games, and activities all based on the award-winning Ranger Rick magazine. Plus, get creative with Rick’s Pix where you take or choose photos to decorate with stickers, callouts, and nature backgrounds, then save your favorites to your scrapbook.

Go Wild! With Ranger Rick(圖3)-速報App

Go Wild! With Ranger Rick rewards kids who join his adventures with paw points redeemable for badges and awards. Go Wild! With Ranger Rick lets parents know when Ranger Rick has new fun to share and Ranger Rick is there 24/7 whenever kids are ready to explore! The goal of Go Wild! With Ranger Rick is to educate, encourage, challenge and reward children who love nature.

Go Wild! With Ranger Rick(圖4)-速報App

The Go Wild! With Ranger Rick app is developed for children by the National Wildlife Federation the publisher of Ranger Rick, the #1 nature magazine for kids, and Winner of the Parents' Choice Gold Award.

Go Wild! With Ranger Rick(圖5)-速報App

Terms of use: https://www.nwf.org/Terms-of-Use

Go Wild! With Ranger Rick(圖6)-速報App